"I was learning a lot from John and the other Janesville Financial Advisors, and he gave me the opportunity to run the branch at a fairly young age. As the firm continued to grow and my own practice developed, I was asked to manage a few other branches, including the two Madison offices and one in Rockford. Finally, Mike Schroeder, our current PWM president, asked me to come run the Milwaukee market. Leaving Janesville was tough, but my family and I made the move to Milwaukee, and four years later I transitioned to Executive Director for Baird’s Private Wealth Management business.
"In looking back, I can tell you that I benefited a lot in my career from being in the right place at the right time, and I met some tremendous role models at Baird. John Mabee, who was a regional director at the time, was fair, hard-working and always willing to pass on the credit – he helped me become a pretty good recruiter. Fred Kasten, who served as president of Baird during the stock market crash of 1987, was always very wise and caring. And Paul Purcell, our former Chairman and CEO who engineered our move back toward employee ownership – you could not have asked for a more inspirational leader and role model. These are all qualities I try to pass along to the next generation of advisors."