Three Tax Themes for 2025
Washington Policy Research
One of President Trump’s key policy priorities is to extend nearly all of the tax cut provisions included in the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. Republicans in Congress will undertake this task using the budget reconciliation process, which requires just 51 votes (rather than 60) in the Senate, but which also requires payfors to offset the cost of the tax cuts.
Theme 1: Expiring tax cuts will be extended before the end of 2025.
The individual income tax changes included in the 2017 tax bill expire at the end of 2025. If Congress takes no action, tax increases will go into effect on January 1, 2026. Most of those tax changes will fall on middle-class individuals. While there are rumblings that Congress will struggle to pass legislation given the very slim majority Republicans hold in the House of Representatives, the key thing to remember is that members of Congress do not want taxes to increase on middle-class individuals. That will create a catalyst for Congress to act, and to extend most (if not all) of the 2017 tax cuts before the end of the year. That means that individuals are unlikely to see higher income tax rates or changes to the Alternative Minimum Tax, the 20% pass-through exemption (Section 199A), or the estate tax.
Theme 2: Trump is looking to add tax-related campaign promises to the tax bill.
During the campaign, Trump promised to eliminate taxes on tips, promised to increase the state and local tax (SALT) deduction, and called for lowering the corporate tax rate to 15% for domestic manufacturers. We anticipate that Trump will try to include those proposals in the 2025 tax bill, but their inclusion could be constrained by how much fiscal capacity Congress has in developing the tax bill. The reconciliation process sets specific requirements for how much the legislation can increase the deficit. Otherwise, the provisions have to be paid for with higher revenues or decreased spending. Including these tax provisions will increase the cost of the tax bill and payfors will have to be included to offset the cost. This is why Trump is so focused on tariffs and the ability to generate revenue from higher tariffs on imports into the United States. Congress is unlikely to enact tariffs through legislation and congressional budget scorekeepers will not credit Trump’s executive actions on tariffs as paying for the tax cuts. Regardless, Trump will point to the revenue raised from tariffs as providing an offset to the tax bill.
Theme 3: Payfors need to be included in the tax bill.
As noted above, payfors will need to be included in the tax bill. We expect these offsets to include some spending cuts, including cuts to Medicaid and other health care programs, and potentially some tax increases, such as an increase in the 1% buyback tax. Congress could also choose to extend the tax cuts for a limited number of years (e.g., 5) in order to reduce the cost. A key first step in the process is for Congress to decide on the size of the deficit increase to be allowed with the tax bill. That decision will provide greater clarity on the size of the payfors needed and which may be included. We’ll be watching these items closely as they develop
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