As a new Baird client, you may have questions about how to access your accounts and related information online. We’ve created this page to serve as your central resource for information to help ensure your experience is as seamless as possible.

Hefren-Tillotson Online (NetXInvestor) will remain available to users with active logins until Pershing terminates access. After May 31, 2023, users will no longer see account balances or activity, if any. They will only be able to retrieve historical documents.

Please call (724) 940-0990 with questions. 

Accessing Your Baird Account Information

Baird Online is a secure, online portal providing you with anytime, anywhere access to all your Baird account information from any device.

Baird Online Login

Our technology makes it easy for you to monitor your accounts and, with 360 Wealth, keep an eye on your complete financial picture.

Learn more about Baird Online or download the app today using the links below:

Download_on_the_App_Store_Badge_US-UK_RGB_blk_092917.svg google-play-badge-aug-2022.png


Not Enrolled in Baird Online?